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Angree mother tells child I will count to tree. 1,2,3?

Child shouts 4,5,6,7.

Mother: Don't make me repeat my self.

Son: What I wasn't listening.



 How do you know if a wife is angry? When she is not speeking to her husband.

Husband tells wife off for skolding one of their twins.

It turns out she skolded the wrong twin.




How do you know if a mother is angry with her child? Fire starts comming out of her eyes.

How do children annoy their parents?

By saying bad words.



 Whats the easyest way for children to get parents fumbling? Asking an odd question.

Child is playing pin the donkey but the father screems?

The child pinned the tail on the father rather than the Donkey.



 Why shouldn't you swear infront of your child? They will swear to you in public.

Husband keeps on bring more toys than he should?

Apparently he counted the children twice.



 A man spends all day to find the till for Amazon?

Because he though you have to go toy a real till to buy the goods.

  Woman walks in at home with two of everything?

Apparently it was buy on get one free.



Where do people at the till get there money?

From their ear (cash ear).

 Did you know that tills say until next time when they leave?



 Man mutters to his partner, "I thought it was going to be  some small shopping?" Partner replies 12 bags are small shopping.


Man spends hours standing on a yellow line whilst shopping.

Apparently he was doing some on-line shopping.



Woman enters a hair pin into the chip

and pin device.

Apparently the cashier said enter your pin.


 Shop owner sells warm melted chocolate as

hot chocolate.



 How do you know if a person is a Celebrity?

They always open with loud voice.

  If a they are over doing what

they are doing.

That means they are in theater.



 How do you know if a person is a Celebrity?

They always open with loud voice.

  If a they are over doing what

they are doing.

That means they are in theatre.



If you wanted to shoot a celebrity with camera what would you look for?

The whites of their teeth.

 How do you find out about them?

Go to a gossip website.



How do you know when a singer has

changed? When locks have changed


Where would you put them if you whanted to see them 24/7.

Celebrity Big Brother.



What is the most thing you here about Celebrities.



 Were on TV can you see them?

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