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 We have tooth bits what do computers have?


We have Toy-r-us what do

computers have?




 Matron: Why  is that computer in that bed?

Nurse: Because It has an Virus.

What food can you find in a computer?

A Pie chart.



Why are computer politically correct?

Because they are PC.

Why do IT people have big heads?

Because they are it.




Son dresses his Computer as an


becuase  it's an a Hardware.

Teachers use registers to check which students is in 

what do computers use?

A stack Register.



Man throws log through the window.

Apparently he was loging out.


If humans become Ware wolfs what to computers become?




 Did you know my computer takes medicine?


What would you call the son of a processor chip?

A chip of the old block.



Matron: Why  is that computer in that bed?

Nurse: Because It has an Virus.

Where can you find computer parts?

In a ware-house! (Hardware software).



Why are computer politically correct?

Because they are PC.

What is the longest word on a keyboard?




What part of the computer has an knight hood?

A sir cit board.

Man starts eating parts of the computer.

That's because he wanted chips.



 If human live in houses and flatsthen

where do mouse live? Mouse pad.

IT person replaces the querty lettered keypad

With house keys.



 What is the lasy part of

your computer? DOS.

Why are computer politically correct?

Because they are PC.



Did you know computers only use two numbers?

Yes 0's and 1's.


Computer mouse are the only

that don't eat cheese.

What is the smaller verson
of a PC called? A laptop.

Where do Computers go for medical
support? IT department.
What type of food to
computers eat? Software downloads.

What do you call an really old
computer? A mainframe.
How do you find the pulse
from a computer? From the motherboard.

How do give computers Amesia?
Delete their memory.


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